Answers to most frequently asked questions
In some cases our clients need a little help before contacting our agency. Here you can find some of the basics. If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to ask.
Title is the formal right and evidence of ownership of property. It gives you the right to possess and use the property.
Insurance to protect a lender or owner against loss in the event of a property ownership dispute. It is meant to protect an owner’s financial interest in real property against loss due to title defects, liens or other matters. Title insurance is your policy of protection against foreseeable and unforeseeable claims against your home.
A real estate title is the formal right and evidence of ownership of property. It gives you the right to possess and use the property.
The one time premium is directly related to the value of your property. It is a one- time expense, paid when you purchase your property. It continues to provide complete coverage for as long as you or your heirs own the property (see the link below to Florida Title and Closing Company Fees and Rates).
Title insurance defends you in a lawsuit attacking your title, and either corrects the title problem or pays you for losses up to the face amount of the policy. The policy also protects you after you sell the property for defects occurring prior to your ownership that cause a loss to a purchaser if the title was warranted by you.